Restoration of the Australian Home

Timber Fences and Gates: Restoring Heritage Australian Houses

When restoring a heritage Australian house, timber fences and gates can be an integral part of the restoration process. Replacing fence and gate structures with timber alternatives helps to preserve the structural integrity and historic character of the home. Timber closeboards, lapped panels and picket fences are all popular choices for replicating traditional fencing styles. When selecting timber for fences and gates, it is important to consider timber that is durable enough to withstand extreme weather conditions. Species such as Jarrah, Spotted Gum, Merbau and Ironbark are recommended due to their resistance to rot and decay over time. Craft in Wood use treated pine such as Design Pine as a value-for-money alternative when compared to hardwoods.

eco timber

At Craft in Wood we use galvanized steel posts to increase life and significantly improve durability without impact to the timber look. All our rails, frames and pickets are pre-treated for a successful fence or gate installation. Our timber is treated with a suitable timber preservative that provides protection against decay and damage from insects and pests. Timber gates can be custom-made in any size or style to match the existing fencing design of your home. With careful selection of timber species, treatment methods and finishes, timber fences and gates will ensure the timeless beauty of your heritage Australian home is preserved for years to come.

Routine Maintenance

It is essential that timber fences and gates are properly maintained if they are to remain in good condition for the long term. Regular inspections should be conducted to clear out any obstructions such as leaves and chipbark bridging the ground and your fence and to identify any timber decay or insect damage. If decay or insect damage is found, these should be promptly repaired with durable timber treatments. Minimising timber exposure to the elements will also help minimise deterioration over time. With a little bit of TLC, timber fences and gates can remain beautiful additions to your home for generations to come

Why Timber for fences & gates

When it comes time to restore a heritage Australian house, replacing fences and gates with timber fences and gates is an excellent way of preserving the character and timeless beauty of your home. With careful selection of timber species, treatment methods and finishes, timber fences and gates are sure to maintain their appeal for many years into the future.

Of course, timber isn’t the only material suitable for replacing wooden fences and gates around heritage homes. Metal fences, steel gates and aluminum railings are all viable options for those looking for a more modern aesthetic. However, timber provides an unmistakable warmth and charm that few other materials can match. With its timeless appeal, timber remains a popular choice when restoring a heritage home.

At the end of the day, whatever material you choose to use for your fence and gate restoration project is ultimately up to personal preference; but timber remains one of the best choices when it comes to preserving the classic look of an Australian home while also protecting it from harm- with a timber preservative to ensure its longevity.

Finally, timber fences and gates provide a great level of privacy that other fences and gates cannot match. They also offer increased security, so you can be sure that your home is well protected from intruders. Replacing fences and gates with timber when restoring heritage Australian houses is a great way to add beauty and security to the property while preserving the original architecture.

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